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Safehands awarded ‘Good’ in recent CQC Inspection


Safehands Recruitment was delighted to be awarded an overall ‘Good’ rating by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) following an inspection in March 2023. The company scored a ‘Good’ rating in all of the 5 CQC Standards. These standards address five key areas that a service should offer to ensure people receive safe, effective, high quality care. These are then individually assessed and rated.

What are the CQC’s 5 Standards?

The CQC rate care providers to determine how suitable each business is to provide care. Here’s how Safehands Recruitment measured up in its recent CQC inspection:

  • Is the service safe?

CQC-rated ‘Good’. The inspector felt that ‘people were safe and protected from avoidable harm’.

  • Is the service effective?

CQC-rated ‘Good’. The report stated that ‘people’s outcomes were consistently good, and people’s feedback confirmed this’.

  • Is the service caring?

CQC-rated ‘Good’. The CQC found that people were ‘supported and treated with dignity and respect; and involved as partners in their care’.

  • Is the service responsive?

CQC-rated ‘Good’. The inspector said that ‘people’s needs were met through good organisation and delivery’.

  • Is the service well-led?

CQC-rated ‘Good’. The inspection highlighted that the ‘service was consistently managed and well-led. Leaders and the culture they created promoted high-quality, person-centred care’.

The CQC inspection process

To compile evidence, the CQC inspector spoke to seven members of Safehands staff and two relatives of current patients. They also reviewed a range of care records and risk assessments, and sought feedback from a number of agencies and professionals that work with Safehands Recruitment, our healthcare recruitment agency.

Following this thorough inspection, which was carried out with just 48 hours’ notice, Safehands was deemed to provide a consistently good service in all areas. In addition, the inspector noted that Safehands Recruitment promoted ‘a positive culture that is person-centred, open, inclusive and empowering, which achieves good outcomes for people.’ The inspector also said that Safehands Recruitment ensured ‘people are well treated and supported; respecting equality and diversity.’

Achieving a ‘good’ rating by CQC highlights the high level of care personnel provided by Safehands Recruitment. It shows that Safehands Recruitment is ‘performing well and meeting the expectations of the CQC standards’.

As the independent regulator of health and social care in England, all care providers are required to register with CQC before carrying out any of the activities that it regulates. CQC then assesses each registered service provider according to its Fundamental Standards of care.

The CQC Fundamental Standards

These are the minimum requirements a care provider needs to meet to provide care in England. They were drawn up before the 5 Standards were introduced and have been written into the Health and Social Care Act 2008. A care provider must never fall below these standards. They state that everybody has the right to the following standards of care:

  • Person-centred care – care should be tailored to meet as patient’s needs
  • Dignity and respect – a patient’s wishes and values should be respected
  • Consent – no treatment can be given without patient consent
  • Safety- patients should not be put at risk of harm
  • Safeguarding from abuse – patients should not suffer any form of abuse
  • Food and drink – patients must have enough to keep them in good health
  • Premises and equipment – these must be clean, suitable and well looked acfter
  • Complaints – there must be a robust complaints system in place
  • Good governance – there should be effective governance to check on the quality and safety of care
  • Staffing – should be suitably qualified, competent and experienced
  • Fit and proper staff – there should be robust recruitment procedures in place
  • Duty of candour – there should be transparency regarding patient care
  • Display of ratings – the provider must display the CQC rating where people can see it

CQC’s 5 Standards have been created from the Fundamental Standards and provide the framework for all health and social care inspections in England. Achieving a ‘Good’ rating in all areas, in our first CQC inspection, was a fantastic result for the company and staff.

If you are looking for a person centered care plan for yourself or a loved one, we are here to help. Please contact the team either by calling 01242 505415 or

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