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Complex Care

Can home carers give medication?


A common question when considering home care services is: can home carers give medication? The short answer is yes, but there are a few considerations. Home carers can administer medication, but the extent and the specifics of their role in medication administration depend on several factors.

In the context of social care, the administration of medicines is an integral part of care provision. It involves providing medication to the person under care at the correct dosage at the right time. Many people who require home care services have complex health needs that may need daily medication administration.

What are the guidelines on carers giving medication?

As per the law and industry guidelines, care workers can administer medication, but they need appropriate training to do so. The role of a care assistant or care worker can include reminding clients to take their medicines, helping them handle medicine containers, and assisting with inhaled medicines or applying creams. They can also administer medication that comes in easily administered forms, such as oral tablets or liquids.

In complex cases, inserting drops into ears, nose or eyes or managing controlled drugs may require a more experienced or complex care assistant. It’s important to know that care workers should only administer medication detailed in the care plan.

Can carers administer controlled drugs?

A registered nurse may be necessary for certain types of medication administration, like injections or some forms of controlled drugs. We at Safehand Healthcare can work with your doctor’s surgery to administer these medicines correctly.

Medication and a care plan

A key part of managing medicines in a home care setting involves creating a comprehensive care plan. This plan should detail the medicines the person requires and any special instructions. The care plan also provides instructions if a dose is missed or taken incorrectly.

Documentation is also crucial in the process of medication administration. Care workers must keep a record of every instance they administer medication. This includes noting the date, time, medication name, dosage, and any observations or side effects. This documentation is essential for monitoring the client’s medication usage, identifying any issues or patterns, and ensuring safe and effective medication management.

Your GP can also provide a free structured medication review. This is particularly useful for those who are taking several different medications throughout the day. 

We’re here to help

When looking for a carer for yourself or a loved one, we know you want to ensure you get the right service for your needs. At Safehands, we offer a range of home care, including live in care and complex care

If you are thinking about care, our friendly advisors are ready to help guide you through the process. of finding the right care. Just call us on 01242 505415 or email us.

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